Sterman's Photographic Art Studio: Blog en-us (C) Sterman's Photographic Art Studio [email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:10:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:10:00 GMT Sterman's Photographic Art Studio: Blog 120 82 Trip to the Kansas City Zoo I made the trip today to the Zoo in Kansas City to get some photos of animals that you don’t find in Missouri.  While it was a nicely laid out, clean zoo, I found myself to be disappointed with it.  The animals were well cared for, but mostly they were in cages, rather than habitats.  The cage bars, and fencing made it almost impossible to photos of the large animals.  The smaller animals were behind Plexiglas.   My last trip to the zoo in St. Louis had many of the animals in habitats that allowed view from above, so that the large animals couldn’t escape, but also allowed for unobstructed views.

[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) humming birds landscape missouri humming birds nature/wildlife photography night sky portraits ruby throated humming birds senior photos weddings Tue, 15 Aug 2017 04:57:19 GMT
August 11, 2018 It’s been a while, weather kinda rainy over the last couple weekends.  Last weekend, I went down to the Swinging Bridges, to see if the Great Blue Herons where there again.  They were, so I got a few good shots of one of them, there creek was to deep and wide for me to get close enough to the one.  So I turned to getting some shots of the bridge. 


As I was walking down the creek ran across a crazy lady fishing on the opposite bank.  She was standing there holding her rod and was shouting at someone, or something, however there was nobody in site, so I can only guess that she was shouting and throwing out threats at the fish in the water.  I made it back to my car just in time to see the down pour start, it dumped about 3 inches of rain by the next morning.


Friday morning, I went down to a boat ramp, just below Bagnell Dam, in hope of getting some birds in flight, only to discover that nothing was flying.  I moved to the observation deck at the dam and managed to get several shots of Rock Dove on the wings of the dam, so I wasn’t totally defeated this morning.

[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) humming birds landscape missouri humming birds nature/wildlife photography night sky portraits ruby throated humming birds senior photos weddings Sat, 12 Aug 2017 05:15:15 GMT
Night Shots Again Perfect night for taking photos, it was clear and cool.  The moon was out, but it was not full, it provided some good light for lighting the trees, and barn.  I moved out of the barn yard and out into the north field, so that I could get the barn into the shot with the milky way in the background.   I don’t think I have noticed before how many aircraft are flying late at night.  At least not until I see the light streaks going across the photos.


I find doing the night shots to be relaxing.

[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) humming birds landscape missouri humming birds nature/wildlife photography night sky portraits ruby throated humming birds senior photos weddings Sun, 30 Jul 2017 05:39:24 GMT
More Night Shots Went out last night and got some more shots of the night sky.  I got a lot of great shots, but I feel they are too much like the others I have done.  I need to find some new places to do night sky shots; some place darker would be great.  I was out for about 2 hours, and it was almost 90 degrees, a little ridiculous that it was that hot that late at night, will be glad when this heat wave breaks.

[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) landscape nature/wildlife photography night sky Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:56:03 GMT
Humming birds I went out to the farm today to get some shots of humming birds, as I have done several times in the past.  Not as happy with the lot as I could be.  Many of the photos came out good, but I should have stepped up the ISO one more, with the clouds right in front of me, it seems that the pictures are a little washed out.  I guess I got used to doing night shots, and over compensated how much light I would need.  The pictures are coming out good; I just have more adjustments to them is all.  Now if I could just get them to slow down and give me time to focus, they are some fast little things.

[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) blog humming birds landscape missouri humming birds nature/wildlife photography night sky portraits ruby throated humming birds senior photos weddings Mon, 17 Jul 2017 02:11:20 GMT
July 9, 2017 Sterman’s Photographic Art Studio.


This is my first blog posting, I have opened this website to showcase my photography, what I have done in the past, and what I am doing currently.

I love going out and taking landscape photos, panoramic photos that showcase the beauty of nature, in all seasons, not just spring and summer.

Just last night I was out in the barnyard to get some sky shots, with lots of stars, of course I forgot to take into account that it was a full moon, and the stars were not showing in their true glory, I however got some great shots of the barn, the moon was so bright that the photos look more like they were taken in the evening, not at 10:00 PM.  I will get them posted on the website shortly.



[email protected] (Sterman's Photographic Art Studio) landscape nature/wildlife photography night sky portraits senior photos weddings Sun, 09 Jul 2017 05:30:50 GMT